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Abros ze Střezovské rokle


Pes, nar: 12.3.2014
Barva: modrý
Bonitační kód: 
IC: 0.00 %

Reddenblu's The Xceptonist

Reddenblu's X File Agent Kombinalong Stryk Super Arakoon Ozzie Bear
Meroolestrate Kristy
Reddenblu's Savannah A Bit o Blue And Faithful Too
Reddenblu's Spirits Will Dance
Sandhill Don't Miss the Dance Mi-De-B Command Performance Hilltops Living Tradition II
Mi-De-B Artistic Rhytmh
Legend's Sandhill Jill Carben Copys Rip´n And A Snort´n
Reddenblu's She Runs With Horses

Cheetah Cinderella's Ranch

Aboriginal Cinderella's Ranch Blucalypt Murphey Blucalypt Bart
Blucalypt Cindy
Beauty Jackie Bullit Star Cattlefarm's Blue Thunder
Cattlefarm's Blue Arrow
Dinga Red Girl Cinderella's Ranch Cowcockycattle's Moki Silver Hills Djengo
Silver Hills Sweet Power
Cinderella Bullit Star Reddenblu's Gunpowder
Aussie Bullit Star