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Buschteufels Daenerys

CMKU/ACD/1943/-22/21     chovná

Fena, nar: 31.10.2021
Barva: červená
Výška: 43 cm
Zdraví: N/ú, DKK A, DLK 0/0, PRA N/N, PRA rcd4 N/N, PLL N/N, NCL5 N/N, NCL12 N/N, DM N/N, MC N/N, Cystinurie II-A N/N, BAER OK
Bonitační kód: F7 (strmější úhlení předních končetin) - T. Knédlhans
IC: 0.00 %
Woylie's Okie Woylie's Gedala Valley of the Wind's A-Bit-Of-Soul Austmans Real Riot
Landmaster Look Like Angel
Danbar's River of Dreams Du West Say No More
Downey's Onthego's Cowgirl
Working Mates Burn Every Turn Flinstone Turrella Red Tatoo Outback Maverick Tom of Seven Hils Counry
Turrella Rose Tatoo
Bushbug's Dipsi Diver Sweet Azur's Chico
Bushbug's Acuity Amazon
Sawdust's Night In Blue Satin Haytho des Poenjaap Chique des Poenjaap Bluespirit Ike des Poenjaap
Cattlefarm's Lady Rosemarin
Bluespirit Trueluv des Poenjaap Bluespirit in Montana Thomson
Bluespirit Misty Moon
Sawdust's Evoke for Elysian Silver Hills Blue Knight Drywood's Bareback Jack
Silver Hills Royal Ruby
Kargoorlie Blue Cidabro Sawdust's Attire Blue Ace
Goolgowi Blue Cidabro


25.6.2024  ''C'' Billabong Heeler

reg.č. jméno                  P/F Č/M SKUS DKK DLK PRA PLL BAER chov
otec Matong Give It Some Stick   č N A 0/0 N/N N/P OK  
2267/24 Catchy Coen Billabong Heeler p č           OK  
2268/24 Courageous Cyrill Billabong Heeler p č           OK  
2269/24 Crispy Callan Billabong Heeler p č           OK  
2270/24 Celestial Callista Billabong Heeler f m           OK  
2271/24 Cosmic Chippiah Billabong Heeler f č           OK  
2272/24 Crystalline Cooba Billabong Heeler f č              
2273/24 Cuddly Corowa Billabong Heeler f č           OK